Program Overview

Our school is one of a kind in Macomb County - read below to see why!

Students enrolled in Academy 21 are full-time hybrid virtual, with six courses per  semester. Academy 21 courses are delivered in various formats. Dependent on grade level,  courses may be taught 100 % synchronously (live virtual instruction), 100 % asynchronously (self-paced), or a blend of the two. Academy 21 uses the following virtual programs and platforms:  Imagine Learning (Edgenuity) and Google Classroom. 

Academy 21 courses parallel those in a traditional setting, and are aligned to state standards and expectations. All courses comply with the Michigan Pupil Accounting Manual  guidelines.

Middle School Level

Middle School enrollment is open to district residents and School of Choice students. See "Procedures to Enroll in Academy 21" for important dates.

6-8 students are enrolled in full-year ELA, mathematics, social studies, science, and two electives per semester. All students have career explorations, study skills, and online  learning / digital citizenship as part of their learning experience.


Academy 21's hybrid format requires in-person attendance. Frequency of attendance will vary based on grade level and student progress.


Academy 21 teachers and student mentors support the learning experience by  monitoring student progress and providing feedback to students. Teachers may  customize courses to meet the individual needs of students. Some courses offer a blend of hands-on and online lessons. 

Specialized programs for reading and math are available as electives for students who  demonstrate a need for academic interventions.  

Teachers are available to provide individual support in a face-to-face virtual meeting  format or on-site at the Academic Lab, as schedules permit. 

High School Level 

High School enrollment is open to district residents and School of Choice students. See "Procedures to Enroll in Academy 21" for important dates.

9-12 students are enrolled in courses in accordance with the Center Line Public Schools Board of Education graduation requirements, currently 23 credit hours. Student course schedules will vary based on the requirements and  credit needs. All students have career explorations and study skills as part of their virtual  learning experience.

Academy 21's hybrid format requires in-person attendance. Frequency of attendance will vary based on grade level and student progress.

Academy 21 teachers and student mentors support the learning experience by  monitoring student progress and providing feedback to students. Teachers may customize courses to meet the individual needs of students. Some courses offer a blend of hands-on and online lessons. 

Specialized programs for reading and math are available as electives for students who  demonstrate a need for academic interventions.  

Teachers are available to provide individual support in a face-to-face virtual meeting  format or on-site at the Academic Lab, as schedules permit. 

Additional options for students in grades 9-12 with administrative approval: 

      • Advanced Placement (AP) Courses at CLHS. In person attendance is required.
      • Performing arts and CTE courses at CLHS and participating Southwest Macomb  Technical Education Consortium (SMTEC) schools. Daily in person attendance is required.
      • Dual enrollment courses at Macomb Community College.
      • Early College of Macomb program. 
      • Non-CTE work- based high school credit. 


Students who graduate from Academy 21 receive a Center Line High School Diploma. Our students participate in all district events, such as homecoming, attending sporting events, and graduation ceremonies.


Procedures to Enroll in Academy 21


  • CURRENT CLPS STUDENTS: First, talk to your current school counselor/administration before contacting Academy 21. All schools work closely with Academy 21 to determine that virtual learning is the right fit for your student. A program interest meeting with the Academy 21 school principal is required for approval to continue with the transfer.
  • NEW RESIDENTS: First, complete registration at the district level. Once registered, a program interest meeting with the Academy 21 school principal is required for approval to continue with enrollment. A transcript and discipline record from the current school are required for the Program Interest Meeting.
  • SCHOOL OF CHOICE STUDENTS: First, complete a school of choice application and registration at the district level during the school of choice window. (May 28 - August 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM) If the school of choice application is approved by the district, then a program interest meeting with the Academy 21 school principal is required for approval to continue with enrollment. A transcript and discipline record from the current school are required for the Program Interest Meeting.

Depending on available space, potential students may be placed on a wait list.